Monday, June 13, 2011

Almond-Cherry Loaf Cake

This recipe is based on one of Nigella Lawson's.  The main difference being that it uses fresh cherries. You can find the recipe here at the Paris Pastry blog (which has a ton of really tasty-looking recipes). 
Cherries are awesome.

The recipe told me to roll the cherries in flour before adding them to the dough.  I'm not
sure why.  Maybe to make sure they kept most of their juices?


  1. That looks so good! Was it dense? I like your captions too, they are funny. Do you think you will make it again and if you had to choose between rhubarb windows and this loaf cake, which would win?

  2. It was sort of dense, but I kinda liked it that way because it kept the cherries from all settling on the bottom. Yes, I would definitely make it again. I think I would chose this loaf over the rhubarb windows (though the loaf is quite a bit more work...).
